Thursday, May 6, 2010

Katharine Graham, her Washington Post Empire & Deborah Davis @ KULTURAs books

Please join us at KULTURAs books,
Tenleytown, this Saturday, May 8,

at 6:30 pm, when Deborah Davis will discuss her book,
“Katharine The Great - Katharine Graham and her Washington
Post Empire”, published by Harcourt Brace, pulled off the
market six weeks later and shredded. This, after the book
was chosen as a Literary Guild featured book, about to be
published in Europe -- and after the publisher had
nominated it for an American Book Award.

Come hear the author talk about how she got to the
bottom of why her book was killed, and why her
encounter with the information elite in our country
is now more relevant than ever.

Saturday, May 8 at 6:30 pm @ KULTURAs books
--- Tenleytown ---
4918 Wisconsin Ave. NW 202-244-0224

It's a story involving Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham,
the Post's executive editor Benjamin Bradlee, and the book’s ostensible
“errors” regarding his role as a CIA operative while attached to the
American Embassy in Paris in the early 1950s.
All the President’s Men had immortalized The Post, its publisher
Katharine Graham, editor Ben Bradlee, and two inexperienced
metro reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, for forcing
the resignation of President Nixon. But as a young investigative
reporter writing the first biography of “the most powerful woman
in America,” Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham,
Ms. Davis uncovered the truth behind the Watergate myth.

Please join us at KULTURAs books,
Tenleytown, this Saturday, May 8, 6:30 pm

KULTURAs second-hand books
+ sort-of-vintage

a fine selection
out of print
rare books

4918 Wisconsin Ave.